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Low cholesterol foods for a healthy heart

Some common foods consumed such as butter, lard, cheese, and coconut milk contain high cholesterol. You may also know that too high cholesterol can cause heart disease.

In order for your heart health to wake up, you can replace the consumption of foods high in cholesterol with foods low in cholesterol. Check out the following information to find out what kind of cholesterol and what good low cholesterol foods are for you!

Cholesterol and its Types

Cholesterol is a chemical compound found in the cells of the body. You need cholesterol to form hormones, get vitamin D, and play a role in the digestive process.

Most cholesterol is made in the liver, while the remaining cholesterol needs are met from a number of foods such as egg yolk, fatty meat cuts, seafood, dairy products and other animal products. While vegetable products generally do not contain cholesterol.

Cholesterol does not exist freely in the bloodstream, but is carried by fat molecules and proteins in the blood called lipoproteins. Based on the magnitude of the ratio between protein and cholesterol in lipoprotein bonds, cholesterol is divided into two types, namely:

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

In the LDL molecule, there is more cholesterol than proteins. LDL is often referred to as 'bad' cholesterol because high LDL levels increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease.

High levels of LDL will cause atherosclerosis, which is the formation of cholesterol plaque in the walls of the arteries. If you continue to eat foods high in cholesterol, the plaque will continue to accumulate and cause constriction of blood vessels.

This will result in inhibited blood flow. If left unchecked, this condition will lead to coronary heart disease.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

In contrast to LDL, in HDL there is more protein than cholesterol. HDL is often referred to as 'good' cholesterol because it brings cholesterol from the rest of the body back to the liver. From here, cholesterol is then thrown out of the body.

HDL is also useful in maintaining healthy blood vessels. If there is damage or plaque that clogs the blood vessels, the HDL clears plaque and keeps the blood vessels clean. This is why high levels of HDL can lower the risk of heart disease.

Low Cholesterol Foods

One way you can do to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy is by eating low cholesterol foods. In addition to low cholesterol, the following diet can also lower cholesterol levels in your body.


Some types of fish such as salmon and mackerel are high sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Not only can increase HDL, omega-3 contained in fish can reduce the risk of inflammation and stroke.

Several studies have also proven the benefits of fish in lowering cholesterol. A person who regularly consume fish has a very low risk for metabolic syndrome, a disease characterized by high blood pressure and low HDL.

However, you should note that the healthiest way to eat fish is to roast in an oven, burned, or raw. The reason, too much eating fried fish can actually increase the risk of heart disease.

Fish n avocado


Avocado is one source of good fats for the body. Inside the avocado, contain lots of fiber and unsaturated fats. Both of these nutrients are important for lowering LDL and increasing HDL in the blood.

A study even shows that although it contains fat, avocados can lower cholesterol. This is evident in people with obesity who experience cholesterol decrease after routinely eating one avocado every day.



Nuts are rich in unsaturated fats. Some types of nuts like walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids that are good for heart health.

Nuts also contain phytosterols, which are cholesterol-like components. Phytosterols can help lower cholesterol by blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines.

From now on, try to regularly consume nuts. Routine consumption of nuts every day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 28%.

Fruits and Berries

It's no secret that fruits are one of the best low-calorie food sources. In addition, fruits are also rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol levels.

Some fruits such as apples, grapes, strawberries, and oranges contain fiber called pectin which can lower cholesterol by 10%. In addition, these fruits can also lower LDL and increase HDL in the blood.

Not only that, fruits also contain antioxidants that are beneficial to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Black Chocolate

Who would have thought, one favorite food this one turned out to be beneficial for heart health?

A number of studies have proven that dark chocolate can lower LDL levels in the blood. One study on the benefits of chocolate drinks even shows that by regularly eating chocolate drinks twice a day for a month, blood LDL levels can decrease to 6.5 mg / dL.

Chocolate is good for health, but still remember not to overdo it in consuming it. Often, chocolate has been added high amounts of artificial sweeteners. So, if you want to eat chocolate, choose chocolate with levels of 75-85%.

To maintain heart health, you do not have to strictly limit your consumption of food. Instead, you can start eating low cholesterol foods as well as foods that can lower LDL levels like different types of foods above.

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Is a health and wellness enthusiast. In him free time, she loves to travel and taste different types of teas.

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