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Mastitis, Constraints for Breastfeeding Mothers

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. Mastitis is a condition that often occurs in nursing mothers and can interfere with the process of providing nutrition to the baby.

Mastitis usually attacks nursing mothers in the early trimester, but it can also occur when the breastfeeding process has been going on for a long time. Mastitis can make the mother have difficulty giving breast milk because the breast is painful.

What are the signs like?

Mastitis during breastfeeding usually only occurs in one breast. Symptoms of the disease itself can appear suddenly. The following are the symptoms of mastitis to watch out for:

  • Reddish bruised breasts.
  • Itching often in the breast.
  • The breast feels sore when breastfeeding.
  • There is a painful lump in the breast.
  • The size of one breast is bigger because of the swelling.
  • Nipples emit pus.
  • Often feeling tired.
  • There are enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit.
  • Fever.

In addition, you may experience flu-like symptoms before you finally notice a change in your breasts.

What Causes Mastitis?

Infection of the breast or mastitis can be caused by several things. The following are the most common causes of mastitis:

  • Bacterial infection

The common bacteria that cause mastitis are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus which infect breast tissue through nipple wounds and milk ducts. Usually, these bacteria come from the baby's mouth and the surface of the breast skin.

  • The clogged milk flow channel

The blockage in question is when the remaining milk settles in the milk duct. The complications can be breast infections

  • Poor attachment when breastfeeding

The attachment process between a child's mouth and an imperfect breast during the breastfeeding process can cause the child to have difficulty sucking.

  • Frequency of irregular breastfeeding

The habit of often delaying breastfeeding can have an impact on the accumulation of milk in the breast, which leads to blockage and inflammation.

  • Pressure on the breast

Pressure on the breast makes the ducts of mother's milk squeeze, so the risk of blockage is also higher. This situation can occur due to the use of bras or clothes that are too tight.

  • Active smoker

Smoking habits can cause mastitis, even in women who have not yet entered breastfeeding. This condition is known as periductal mastitis.

  • Nipple piercing

Nipple piercing can cause mastitis, especially if the piercing process is not carried out by professionals.

In addition to the two causes above, the following factors can increase the risk of mastitis.

  • Breast nipple wounds.
  • Breastfeeding with only one breast.
  • Wear a bra that is too tight.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Fatigue.
  • Frequency of irregular breastfeeding.
  • Have experienced mastitis in the past.

Steps to Treating Mastitis

Giving milk through the breast affected by mastitis must be done even though it feels painful. Stopping breastfeeding in the breast affected by mastitis will actually worsen the condition. Besides staying breastfeeding, here are a few independent steps that can be applied if you have mastitis:

  • Milk the baby as often as possible in a comfortable position and change sides.
  • If the baby is not breastfeeding in large quantities, pump your milk.
  • Gently massage your breasts while breastfeeding to facilitate breastfeeding.
  • Avoid wearing a bra that is too tight.
  • Enough for the needs of body fluids so that the body's metabolism is smooth.
  • Get enough rest so that the body is not easily tired.
  • Compress the breast with a cloth that has been soaked in warm water, or shower with warm water, to help relieve pain. Warm water compresses also help make the breasts softer to make the milk flow better and make it easier for the little one to suckle.

If the independent steps above are not able to reduce the symptoms of mastitis, medical treatment is needed. Doctors will most likely give antibiotics to kill the bacteria that cause mastitis. You will also be given painkillers so that the breastfeeding process remains comfortable.

Although mastitis in nursing mothers often occurs, you need to be aware of this disease, because it can cause severe complications. Preventing and immediately overcoming mastitis is also very important so that the most intimate moments between mother and baby are not disturbed.

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Is a health and wellness enthusiast. In him free time, she loves to travel and taste different types of teas.

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