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Impact and Ways to Prevent Rubella During Pregnancy

When pregnant, pregnant women need to be more aware of rubella or German measles. The reason is, this disease can not only endanger Pregnant's health, but also the health of the fetus in her pregnant mother.

Rubella or German measles is an infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. This virus can be transmitted to anyone, including pregnant women. Pregnant women can contract the disease if they breathe in splashes of rubella sufferers, for example when they sneeze or cough.

Symptoms and Impact of Rubella for Pregnant Women

When infected with the rubella virus, there are a variety of symptoms that can appear, including the appearance of a red rash on the face and spread throughout the body, headaches, mild fever (below 38 ° C), nasal congestion, red eyes, and joint pain.

If pregnant women feel the symptoms of rubella, immediately consult a doctor. If not treated immediately, rubella can increase the risk of miscarriage, the baby dies in the womb, premature birth until the baby is born with a defect.

Pregnant women infected with this virus in the first trimester of pregnancy have a higher risk of giving birth to a child with congenital rubella syndrome or congenital rubella syndrome.

Congenital rubella syndrome can cause babies to suffer from deafness, blindness, cardiac abnormalities, intellectual impairment or mental retardation, thyroid disorders, brain damage, and inflammation of the lungs.

How to Overcome and Prevent Rubella Measles

To diagnose rubella infection in pregnant women, the doctor will do a blood test. If the blood test results indicate that pregnant women suffer from rubella, the doctor will advise pregnant women to get enough rest and drink lots of water. The doctor will also give hyperimmune globulin antibody drugs to fight the virus.

Because there is no specific drug that can prevent complications of rubella in the fetus, the best prevention that can be done is to prevent pregnant women from this disease.

Some preventative steps that can be done are:

1. Receive rubella or MMR vaccine

Rubella vaccine administration is not recommended to be done while pregnant. Therefore, giving the vaccine needs to be done before pregnancy, that is when planning a pregnancy.

2. Asking people who live at home to undergo MMR vaccination

If possible, ask people who live at home with pregnant women to receive the MMR vaccine. This method is done to prevent them from being infected with the rubella virus and transmit it to pregnant women.

3. Maintain cleanliness

Wash your mother's hands immediately with soap after doing any work. Don't touch the face, especially the nose and mouth, with your hands not washed.

4. Postpone traveling

If pregnant women plan to travel with a partner during pregnancy, you should postpone first. Especially if the tourist attractions that pregnant women visit include areas with high rubella cases.

Rubella in pregnant women needs to watch out because it can cause miscarriage and disability in the fetus. Therefore, do the ways to prevent rubella above and immediately consult a gynecologist if pregnant women experience symptoms that might indicate rubella.

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Is a health and wellness enthusiast. In him free time, she loves to travel and taste different types of teas.

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Impact and Ways to Prevent Rubella During Pregnancy

Impact and Ways to Prevent Rubella During Pregnancy

When pregnant, pregnant women need to be more aware of rubella or German measles. The reason is, …

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